About Us
South West Copiers is an independent company, set up to give the best advice, and offer the best prices on printers and copiers throughout South West.
We have a huge product offering and can supply basic desktop printers through to the latest in production print technology and our impressive client list is testimony to this.
Over the years’ we have helped start-up businesses reduce their print costs by providing them with a single machine on a managed print service contract, whilst at the same time gained new larger clients by offering an unbeatable service and competitive prices on a whole fleet of copiers and printers.
We are based in the South West, but have account managers throughout the South West giving us unrivalled coverage across to Bristol, Plymouth, Bournemouth and Poole in the south.
We have thousands of satisfied clients across all areas. Small, medium and large businesses, local authorities, schools, hospitals and charities all work with us and many have used our services for years.

We deal with the world’s leading manufacturers of print technology from Xerox, HP, Riso and Canon. Due to our size and our buying power we are able to negotiate cheaper prices than many other managed print technology suppliers, which we are then able to pass onto you, the clients.

We also offer a vast range of software solutions which we can tailor to your needs and knit seamlessly with the latest hardware from the above brands. We can advise and recommend from the following: FollowMe Print, DocuWare, eCopy, Equitrac, EveryOne Print, PaperCut Print, Efi Fiery, XMPie and many more. Our account managers are highly trained in the benefits of each and every product and can therefore advise you accordingly.
Quotes / Advice
If you are new to Managed Print Services – we can help. If you already have a contract with another supplier – we can help (and save you money). If you are shopping around for the best price – we can help
Call today on 0117 440 7855 or email us at info@south-west-copiers.co.uk