Print Audit Services
How in control of your printing costs are you?
Many businesses aren’t in control of their printing costs and more importantly haven’t taken the right advice as to how to minimise these costs.
Our Managed Print Services solution will save you money. We’ve saved some businesses as much as 75% of their existing print costs and there are very few clients who approach us for whom we cannot find a cost saving solution.
How Do We Do it?
The first step is to explore your existing set-up. Only by seeing your current costs can we look at future strategies to reduce your costs.
We call this a print audit. We normally like to visit your premises and view your current machine(s) and identify printing practices. We will determine from this:
- What print volumes you are generating across your printing and copying fleet
- How much you are spending each month or quarter
- What is your ratio of colour to mono print
- Which departments or users generate the most print
- Which machines are getting the most use
- How much paper, ink, toner and other supplies are costing you
This data is then formulated into a managed print strategy bespoke to your needs.
Our aim for you is that you gain visibility and control of printing. More importantly it will result in you saving money, but additional benefits will be a boost in productivity, improvement document security and environmental sustainability.